Planète Végétal, the 1st French independent carrot producer
Our farm is located 30 km South West of Bordeaux in the pine forest of the natural Park of the “Landes de Gascogne (Gascony)”. We produce all over the year. Planète Végétal vegetables are particularly recognized during the “primeur” season (early crop from end May to August).
Our vegetables are grown from our own fields and packed in our own conditioning site.
Therefore 100% of our production is fully monitored, controlled and guaranteed from seed to consumer.
To contact us by e-mail, please click here or :
Planète Végétal 8, chemin de Pot au Pin 33 610 Cestas – France
Export Department: Willy Petiteau (Head of Exports sales)
Tél. +33 (0)5 57 97 98 10 Fax +33 (0)5 57 97 98 19
English, Español, Deutsch

Carrots, leeks, red radishes
From our 3 sites in France and Portugal, we produce, package and sell our vegetables throughout the year.
The company sells only fresh vegetables (thus, no practice of long term storage in refrigerated warehouses).
They are harvested early in the morning and usually shipped in the afternoon or within 24 hours.
Carrots of the “Landes de Gascogne”
Carrots (“Nantaise” type, selected varieties ) are cultivated in a sandy soil in the heart of pines, which gives them a nice color and a sweet flavor. They are brushed to give them a polished and shiny appearance (smooth and bright skin finish). Carrots undergo a manual and optical double sorting. Thus, the final product is of high level and limited losses.
As the leader of the French market, Planète Végétal has introduced these last years many new specific references adapted to the various needs of customers and consumers. Some of the main successful and widely distributed today are: baby carrots for snacking, carrots to grate, small carrots to cook, premium range of hand tidy carrots, carrots for restaurants…
Carrots range :
loose (10 &12 kg cardboard, 6 & 12 kg wooden case,
10 kg plastic bag, 1 ton big bag),
take away (0.5 to 5 kg bags, 1kg punnet …
Standard size range (mm) :
< 26, 26/32 , 32/36, 35/40, > 40
Ungraded carrots also available for low price areas, food service or the industry.
We sell 300 product references. Do not hesitate to ask for any need.
Leeks of Aquitaine
We only grow planted leek (not drilled) to get an even size and a long length of the white part of the leek. Due to the oceanic warm climate and cultivated in a sandy soil, Planète Végétal’s leek is famous for it’s specific sweeter flavor. This taste is particularely appreciated by restaurants with shells, for leek pies or leek fondues. Planète Végétal’s leek production is at it’s highest during the primeurs season (June to August).
Planète Végétal’s has introduced 2 references of trimmed & packed leek in 2005 and is still leading the French prepacked market today (also for restaurants). Our leek has been awarded “Flavor of the year”
Range: 5 &10 kg woodcase, white leek 500 g (20 cm length), trimmed leek 750 g (35 cm length).

Red radish
Red radish is a new family production in the West of France.
Planète Végétal has launched this product successfully in 2014 as a new snacking (tail cut off, packed, ready to eat).
Range: 250 g , 500 g and 1.5 kg bags

Distribution – Export
We are listed by all distribution groups (Carrefour, Auchan, Leclerc, Metro, Casino, Intermarché, Super U …) and also a number of UK wholesalers.
Planète Végétal’s carrot is recognized as one of the reference of the famous French “carotte des Landes” at Bordeaux fruit & vegetable market place, and by wholesalers in Paris Rungis, nationwide and abroad.
We export mainly during the early crop season in the UK, Spain, Portugal, Ireland also to some Middle East and African countries.
Price are based on market conditions and on ex packhouse or delivered basis depending on customer request. Transport connections are easy. The farm is located very close to A63 E05 E70 highway (junction 24 at the A63 is just 2 km away), on Madrid – Bordeaux – Paris – Bruxelles line to all European countries main transportation lines;
We have daily business with major transportation companies.
We always maintain a high level quality service to guarantee customer satisfaction :
– Control of trailer temperature before departure
– Control of loading time and trucks departure time
– CMR sheet and delivery note always completed to legal and customer requirement

Quality – certifications
Customer satisfaction is the priority of Planète Végétal who is committed :
– to preserve vegetable freshness and eating quality
– to guarantee product security by pesticide residues analysis on all products,
– to assure food safety and traceability thanks to an operational HACCP method.
Our vegetables are hydrocooled to 4°C before packed to maintain optimum freshness for longer shelf life.
We hold the following certifications : BRC, IFS, GlobalGap, Haute Valeur Environnementale (High Environmental Value), Free of Pesticide Residue, Producteur Artisan de Qualité (Artisan Producer of Quality –awarded by French Chefs Association), Charte Demain la Terre (certified by Ecocert), Organic label.

Involved in sustainable development:
Planète Végétal : founding member of Demain la Terre (“the Earth Tomorrow”) non-profit organization
25 years ago, our farm became aware of environmental issues, and of the imperative of sustainability of its working tools: the land, our terroir.
We joined forces with other fruit and vegetable growers by co-founding in 2004 the “Demain la Terre” non-profit organization to reflect on it together, not in isolation.
The Association has equipped itself with a powerful tool: the Demain la Terre Charter, the fruit of many years of work by independent experts.
This benchmark is made up of 60 demanding, precise and measurable criteria. Farms are controlled every year by an independent auditor.
It provides professionals and consumers with credible evidence of the commitment to sustainable development by meeting their expectations: being able to purchase healthy and safe fruits and vegetables in order to better benefit from their nutritional intake.
Find out more about the association and its 25 members: www.demainlaterre.org.
Planète Végétal : first open field vegetable producer to be certified* “Haute Valeur Environnementale” (“High Environmental Value”)
“Haute Valeur Environnementale “(HVE) label corresponds to the most demanding level of environmental certification for farms.
The HVE official label and logo, awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture, aim to promote products from HVE certified farms.
Find out more on agriculture.gouv.fr

8, chemin de Pot au Pin - 33610 Cestas
05 57 97 08 60